Permanent Mold

Permanent Mold
Permanent mold casting is often referred to as gravity-fed die casting (as opposed to high-pressure die casting). Molds (or dies) made of cast iron or steel help aluminum solidify more quickly, reduce lead times, increase material density, and provide better surface finishes. The permanent mold process utilizes gravity pouring of molten aluminum, further reducing the likelihood of porosity and improving the tolerances “as cast.”
Permanent molds are durable, typically producing tens or hundreds of thousands of castings before needing maintenance. Higher quantity manufacturing runs (5000 pieces per year or more) usually use perm molds. Likewise, when “as cast” tolerances, surface finish, or quality are necessary, permanent molds are used. We have also found permanent mold castings to be an excellent replacement for OEM parts when the high run (hundreds of thousands of pieces per year) production lines are no longer in service. Cores (sand or permanent), inserts, or other materials can be incorporated in the castings depending on the component geometry and tooling budget.
Our process know-how comes from years of hands-on experience producing castings for demanding markets and industries that require extensive coring and must meet high standards for porosity, pressure tightness, and machinability.
Providing the highest quality casting that meets or exceeds standards at a reasonable cost is our objective.
Our variety of permanent mold machines offer the flexibility for low to high-volume production runs (tens to tens of thousands) and small- to large-sized products (inches to multiple feet across).